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Rouze, sexy podcast experience

Challenging the norms

Founded by Eva de Visser, Rouze empowers women worldwide through audio erotica, leveraging the rise of audio content to deepen connections with sensuality. Rouze sought to reimagine its digital platform and optimize it for mobile users, enhancing user engagement through compelling narratives.

Defining objectives

Tasked with optimizing navigation, enhancing feature accessibility, and strengthening visual identity, my role was to elevate the Rouze Audio app’s design and functionality. The goal was clear: enrich the user experience to drive higher conversion rates.

I believe in the power of our own imagination. No explicit images and no nudes.

Eva de Visser, founder

Navigating the design sprint

Our journey began with an immersive design sprint into Rouze’s world. We identified stakeholders, clarified project goals, and explored user needs. Insights from this phase informed our design strategy and laid the groundwork for wireframing all app pages.

Crafting the experience

Inspired by Rouze’s audio narratives and the brand identity of Dog&Pony, I conceptualized each screen layout and defined a cohesive design system. Balancing provocative visual elements with usability, we created an immersive experience using gradients to evoke sensual environments.

Harmonizing elegance and provocation

The resulting design system blends elegance with provocation, maintaining brand consistency while guiding users through passionate journeys. It captivates senses with each interaction, ensuring an enchanting user experience.

Collaborative innovation

Collaborating closely with Rouze, we rewrote sensuous storytelling rules, merging creativity to redefine digital experiences. The project exemplifies our dedication to pushing design boundaries and enhancing sensual narratives in the digital realm.

Teaming up with Rouze, a female-founded startup, we revamped the app to enhance visual appeal and user experience. Rouze offers sexy audio stories to ignite desire and stimulate the senses.

Let's talk about
your brand

Dedicated to crafting design solutions that tackle real-world problems, I work with passion and purpose. Whether I'm working on specific projects with immediate impact or envisioning transformative ideas to shape the future, I'm here to help.

© 2024 Viviele

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